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05.02.2008 01:03
Не подскажете что за вистл , как строит и стоит ли его брать?
26.02.2008 22:32
На C&F пишут приблизительно следующее:
corn. D. $5-7. Potentially tunable. American made. The Acorn is a new product by Music Sales, who make the Oak whistle in the USA. It is made as a beginner's whistle and sometimes is packaged with an introductory book/CD. It comes in several colors, and also a brass model.

Now, here's the important thing to know about Acorns. The first production run included a mouthpiece which resembles (and may BE identical to) the Feadog mouthpiece. On this whistle, it just doesn't work and so these earlier Acorns were very problematic. Unfortunately, some of these are still out in stores. Newer models of Acorns have mouthpieces that are identical to the Oak. They are greatly improved and pretty nice little whistles. The way to tell them apart is to look at the mouthpiece in profile. If the top of the mouthpiece (the surface with the window) gracefully slopes up, AVOID it. If, on the other hand, the top surface is pretty straight and has an abrupt lip on between the window and the shaft, that's the new and improved model and feel free to buy it.
